This is Chuck Acker's cross, Memoria Dick Clements x Waunakee Sunset 'Cherry'. I wonder if this might be a natural tetraploid, it is absolutely huge for this kind of breeding (over 4") and very heavy substance. I like it a lot. Reminds me of a very good Jason Fischer (which are mostly very good). Might be better. I hope it is fertile.
This is why you rebloom things... It has bloomed before, but if I recall it was in the middle of summer and the flower was much smaller and not as intensely colored. Another six months of growing under cooler conditions and it gives me this. Wonder what it will look like this summer?
This is why you rebloom things... It has bloomed before, but if I recall it was in the middle of summer and the flower was much smaller and not as intensely colored. Another six months of growing under cooler conditions and it gives me this. Wonder what it will look like this summer?