Phrag Waunakee Sunset 'Anna Claire' HCC

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Madd Virologist
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Pearland TX
Whatcha think Eron!? I'm shocked I was able to grow it let along bloom the plant. I sure Eron does a better job of growing/blooming his plant then this.


The color is yellow with a pink overcast.

I'm going to have trouble with this next growth. Its so high (PS. S/H culture)
Whatcha think Eron!? I'm shocked I was able to grow it let along bloom the plant. I sure Eron does a better job of growing/blooming his plant then this.

I'm going to have trouble with this next growth. Its so high (PS. S/H culture)

Rick, Great job and the color does look faded on this bloom which may be due to the hot temperatures now. When it blooms in the cooler months, the yellow and red are much darker! Mine is in bloom now and I have a really nice bloom open at the moment. I was out of town for the holidays so when I get home I'll get a good picture of mine and post it.

I got it from OrchidBabies and this was one of only three seedlings that resulted from the cross of a regular Phrag. Barbara LeAnn and a besseae var. flavum. I have 5 Waunakee Sunset's (4 regular color forms) and they are ALL climbers or make long stolons. I just divided a different Waunakee Sunset plant for Chuck Acker and the stolons between one set of growths and the other was 5 inches! Anyone that has Chuck's 'Cherry' clone knows what I'm talking about:)