This is the first of my Acker's Classic seedlings (Twlight x kovachii) to bloom. I only kept 5 or so from the flask. A couple forum members may have some of these either directly from Chuck Acker or from me. I deflasked mine in June 2019. This particular plant attempted to bloom last year but blasted due to neglect. A newborn and sleeplessness are not great for a collection. The theme for my collection was just survive for the last year. It worked because this one is rebounding nicely and spiked with 3 of its siblings. They should be opening in 2-3 weeks.
I am pleased as punch with this flower and looking forward to seeing how it matures over the next few days. This is day 2.

And yes. Repotting is needed.
I am pleased as punch with this flower and looking forward to seeing how it matures over the next few days. This is day 2.

And yes. Repotting is needed.