Sorry about that "caudatum". I don't have any leads for you at this time, but I will keep my eyes peeled if I see something promising.
I have some unsolicited advice/considerations if you are interested.
This time of year is riskier than usual for shipping tropical plants due to the cold temperature and the extra holiday shipping volume. So, if you find a non-local source, you may want to see if they'll defer shipping if it's an option you're okay with. Maybe consider waiting until spring if possible or picking plants up in person at a show.
Also, consider asking about the source/provenance of the plants being sold to you. Most reputable vendors will be happy to clarify (with caveats and exceptions). Many US based vendors are resellers / middlemen and it's quite possible their stock came from the same source that sold you the mislabeled caudatum. If it's important to you that you get the real deal, I'd avoid that vendor and all resellers who source from them.