I think this Phrag hybrid has promise. I have two - copies one has better form and the other better color. I think I have pollen from both and will sib the first one that flowers next. I may self the other. Then the work of growing them all out an selecting the next cross starts...
I'm not so sure about that. When you cross sargentianum with besseae to make Memoria Dick Clements, you lose the green or yellow rim to the pouch that sargentianum has. So, presumably the red is dominant. And if you back cross MDC to besseae to make Jason Fischer, you still have besseae on both sides of the family, providing dominant red pouch rim genes on both sides. Therefore, if the greenish-yellow pouch rim of sargentianum is recessive, you'd still get a red rimmed pouch, as we are used to seeing. However, this hybrid (Robert C. Silich), has sargentianum on both sides of it's family tree. Therefore, it's entirely possible that two yellow rimmed pouch genes (one from each parent), matched up and that has resulted in the yellow pouch rim colours we're seeing in the pictured flower. It might be uncommon; but, I don't think it's impossible, considering the lineage.