Thank you, all.
Linus, I'm not using S/H, but it is in med. bark in a plastic pot. The clay pot is just to support the plant for the photo. Max/Min temp. of 80/60F year around. It is in a open-top 55 gal. aquarium, where I grow bigger Cattleya. So the humidity isn't too high (maybe around 55%). Also it gets fairly strong light, and indeed the leaves are quite yellow. It is at the edge, so it is slightly less than Cattleya level light, but some leaves go too close to the light. It is kept fairly dry, and I think it probably dries out in between watering. Also, I've been using more fertilizer for Cattleya than other orchids, I'm guessing around 60-100ppmN every 4-6 days. So it gets the same amount. The environment is probably not ideal (so I don't think that this info is too useful), but it is growing for now. To be honest, I have a harder time growing P. caudatum group than other Phrags (especially P. lindenii).
Denver, most of your plants are doing well including most of the yellow P. besseae! Thanks!