Orchid Maniac
Hi all. I don't know if this is a repeat question or not but I want to get a little more clarity. I got a flask of these from out west and they recommend starting the little babies out in compots of sphag. Glenn Decker recommends a brew of small to med. bark chips with charcoal, pearlite and oyster. Then talking to my buddy Rick the other night he said he uses large lime stone and a little sphag in between which frankly Rick scares the crap out of me. I'll be growing in a plastic tent in my living room between two huge windows facing southwest. The temps are my biggest challenge as the outdoor temps have been fluctuating between the 20's and the 60's not all in one day but it can do that like last night it got down to 30 and it's supposed to go up to 60 today. I heat with gas logs on propane in the room they're in so I can control the temps between 60 and 77. I mist a couple times a day to try and keep the humidity up and water maybe twice a week and lightly because it's winter. I have some good pictures of them but I'm waiting to see how you do that from Google Pictures as you might have seen in the Clowesia post from Adam. So if you've had success growing these from flask I'd really like to know how you did it. Thanks