Potting up Paph. thaianum seedlings from flask ... Medium recommendations

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Jan 23, 2013
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?Denver, NC
Our orchid society purchased a couple flasks of Paph. thaianum. Good sized, well developed seedlings. We are using them as a potting lesson on Paph seedlings. What recommendations does the membership of SF have on an appropriate seedling mix and tips on the potting? tks, LWP
Fine bark, small perlite, oyster shell, and a tiny bit of sphagnum moss in a 6 inch pot with styrofoam peanut as drainage. You should dust it with dolomite lime 2 times a year and fertilize with 1/4 strength balance liquid fertilizer and keep it no lower than 18 C year round. I would put the compots in a ziploc bag with plastic straws to keep the flap slightly open to retain high humidity. They need a gentle air movement and low to medium light.
Our orchid society purchased a couple flasks of Paph. thaianum. Good sized, well developed seedlings. We are using them as a potting lesson on Paph seedlings. What recommendations does the membership of SF have on an appropriate seedling mix and tips on the potting? tks, LWP
I've had decent luck with just sphagnum moss lately.

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