3rd flowering. Spike and arrangement better than FCC date but flowers smaller (mid-summer here). Pushing out a new growth but doesnt seem to want to 'multi-growth'.
3rd flowering. Spike and arrangement better than FCC date but flowers smaller (mid-summer here). Pushing out a new growth but doesnt seem to want to 'multi-growth'.
Wow, that’s amazing! I managed to grow a bunch of seedlings and some other NBS plants. I noticed that providing more heat, humidity, oyster shell top dressing, and k-lite really helped my plants thrive and produce multiple new growths at once.
That is just sensational Stephen. You sure can see why it got an FCC. Great presentation. Does it normally flower this late? Mine was in full flower in mid September.
My WBW's are not clumping either yet. But in the last year, I have greatly increased my light levels and I am starting to see more multiple growths on my plants. So I am hopeful they will start sending out more growths soon. The extra light has also toughened up my plants and they seem more resilient. They certainly look healthier.
It normally flowers in Sept/Oct. It put on a big growth this year. Interestingly, its sibling, multigrowths and has been divided last year. Must just be genetics