Plants/Orchids Gone Wild, online. I have to order some more and if you can wait till March I'll bring a bottle or 2 to Montreal!
Great.... I will take 1 or 2!! I want to try it.
Plants/Orchids Gone Wild, online. I have to order some more and if you can wait till March I'll bring a bottle or 2 to Montreal!
has anyone had trouble with physan under lights? my last spray with detergent & rubbing alcohol burned the heck out of a couple plants when i put them back under the lights...i love when that happens to sanderianums that grow 2 leaves per year...
has anyone had trouble with physan under lights? my last spray with detergent & rubbing alcohol burned the heck out of a couple plants when i put them back under the lights...i love when that happens to sanderianums that grow 2 leaves per year...
Detergent and soaps are phytotoxic and alcohol burns tender tissue. The issue is with these two ingredients, not the Physan.
I use a constant low dose of Physan in my water (1 ml per 50 litres), 100% of the time, including the fertilizer water. Without it, I have lots of rot problems. With it, I seldom have any rot problems.