I need help! A very prescious Cattleya is affected by some discease that is turning front pseudobulbs brown. It is not affecting the roots.
The symptom started after a repot, probably by some damaged roots. I cut of the pseudobulb and kept the plant dry until ut stopped. However, when I resumé watering it started on the next pseudobulb again.
The pseudobulb is not especially soft or mushy. Just brown. I noticed small blisters. It starts at the rhizome and moves slowly up the bulb.
And help is appreciated!! Here are some pics from the last pseudobulb I cut.

The symptom started after a repot, probably by some damaged roots. I cut of the pseudobulb and kept the plant dry until ut stopped. However, when I resumé watering it started on the next pseudobulb again.
The pseudobulb is not especially soft or mushy. Just brown. I noticed small blisters. It starts at the rhizome and moves slowly up the bulb.
And help is appreciated!! Here are some pics from the last pseudobulb I cut.