Question about den. spectabile

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Catasetinae Crazed
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Elsberry, MO USA
I got one as a seedling about a year ago with seven small small growths. I grow it pretty warm and bright. It has put up 3 growths since I got it, and the newest one is about 8" (20cm) tall. Question is, it looks like it's in sheath. Has anyone bloomed one on such a small growth? Or is it just faking me out? :confused: I guess time will tell, just wanted some input. It's in a 2" seedling pot, watered almost every day with drying out in between.
Where is the "sheath"? Spectabile sends spikes out the side of the canes, toward the top but under the leaves. I wouldn't call it a sheath.

I once saw a seedling of about a foot tall in flower, but the vendor said that was rare and wouldn't sell it to me. 8" seems pretty small, but if it flowers, you have a gem!
Thanks Dot! Good to know. I guess it's just the first growth with more than two leaves as it's growing out of the crown. I know next to nothing about this species, besides hot and bright and dry, and weirdo flowers! I thought it still had a ways to go, that's why I asked. Oh well... Wishful thinking
I'm not sure what you mean by "dry." I water mine 2x a week, but it is in PrimeAgra (not s/h) so lots of air to the roots and they don't stay wet. I decrease watering after it blooms, usually in January or February.
I water mine probably 5 days a week, but it's essentially a mass of roots, a piece or two of primeagra and a piece or two of large CHC fighting for space in a 2" pot. It dries out pretty quick. It seems happy, each growth bigger than the last.
Depending on the parentage spectaile can bloom really small. Not so sure if it will bloom in a 2" pot, although I have seen it happen(way overgrown 2" pot, would have been fine in a 5"). I know that H&R has a few clones, one called 'Shorty' and a few others that bloom really small, but eventually become monsters just like the rest. You can actually 'bonsai' your spectabile by keeping it in a smaller pot, giving less water, and brighter light, but even then it will eventually get big...
Sorry they're crappy iPhone photos. Did a little research, definitely a new leaf. Didn't know the blooming habits of this plant were out of the cane, thanks Dot. I thought everything bloomed out of the crown like a slipper?! ;)

Still a few growths from blooming
I had the 'Dwarf' variety, or at least that was what the label said. The thing was 2 1/2 - 3 ft tall. It would bloom from the canes when the growth was finally matured. I tried to ''bonsai'' it from the beginning,but it still ended up tall in a small pot. I finally had to get rid of it for being a space hog.
All right!!! The race is on...even though it sounds like is going to be more of a marathon! Hahaha. I will take a pic of mine when I get a chance.
Here is mine, with a can of coke for size reference. :)

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