Questions on angreacum scottianum Culture

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
I've been searching around for info on this particular species but couldn't find any. Just wondering if anyone would have any pointers? Also I was wondering if scottianum is as finicky as sesquipedale on repotting?

Thanks. :)
Haven't tried them myself, but Ed Merkle has good experience with Angreacems. He did bring a big Angreacem hybrid in last night for the OS show and tell. It was a standard pot job that looked like a bark mix.

They're vandaceous, but most have rather fine roots (I guess sesquipedale is an exception with heavy roots). They are also either epiphytic or lithophytic. Given that, potting in very open loose medias in baskets, rather than pots might be the ticket.

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