I think we all feel your pain, Jane, 'cause we've all done something similar. But that doesn't take away the anger at what happened. Just know you are among good company.
The other day I snapped off the top of a Phal shilleriana spike, then the whole plant fell down from it's hanger and crushed a paph concolor which is also is spike.
I've done this sort of thing a number of times too. It's part of the learning curve, I guess. But, it's still very hard to take; especially when it happens to a special plant. Just this past spring, I was packing a customer's order and I dropped his Paph kolopakingii seedling on the floor, on it's head! It lost it's biggest leaf (about 10" long) and the others were smashed and broken. Arrrrrgh! The thing is that this plant was a replacement for a smaller one that this customer ordered and which did not do well over the winter, while we waited for the warmer shipping weather. Of course, I held back the damaged kolo and sent on the rest of the order. I've negotiated with my customer and we agreed that I'd keep it for a few months to be sure that the wounds healed and do not get infected. Luckily, I kept it in a bright enough spot with good air movment....and I sprayed it with Aspirin water.....and it healed it's wounds and is going to be okay. Although, it looks very badly bashed and bruised. I offered to include a free delenatii seedling to make up for the reduced value of the kolo. I was so pleased with how that plant looked when I put it on the table at packing time. Too bad I wasn't more careful!