Hi all,
First time with a real post. Here is a piece of Paph rothschildiana 'Chester Hills' showing what I think is it's AM/AOS form and then some from looking at the award data. It's tag also says, 'FCC/RHS' but I don't know if that's correct, so if anybody can confirm or refute that, I'd appreciate it. I've been told that it is one of the seven original jungle collected roths. I'm pretty happy with it but still aspire to acquire one of the contemporary clones. This is definitely a keeper, though. It is about 10 weeks from first bud opening. I uploaded directly to ST, so sorry for the small pixely photos. I'll work out a host/link photo arrangement sometime...
Aspiring to be more than a Paph Hack
First time with a real post. Here is a piece of Paph rothschildiana 'Chester Hills' showing what I think is it's AM/AOS form and then some from looking at the award data. It's tag also says, 'FCC/RHS' but I don't know if that's correct, so if anybody can confirm or refute that, I'd appreciate it. I've been told that it is one of the seven original jungle collected roths. I'm pretty happy with it but still aspire to acquire one of the contemporary clones. This is definitely a keeper, though. It is about 10 weeks from first bud opening. I uploaded directly to ST, so sorry for the small pixely photos. I'll work out a host/link photo arrangement sometime...
Aspiring to be more than a Paph Hack