Mature growth?
Those are sooooo nice. Cant wait to see the next round of pictures.
My preference would be better stem length, darker colour and longer petals to balance the 'chunkiness' of the flower.
But Id have one in a flash! They are magnificent.
The stem length and flower spread on the stem is mostly environmental.
I respect your views but that doesnt disprove genetics play a part in flower spacing. Have you been able to 'manipulate' stem length on the same clones by changing the environment?
I'd apprecite hearing more about your experience and especially your growing conditions and how you came to them.
Where are you?
Much appreciated - we can learn a lot from those more experienced.
They are very nice. I'll take the one on the right.
A taller spike with better spaced flowers would be my preference. The flowers are very bunched like most roths seem to be. Do roth breeders ever consider this trait? I remember someone saying the Taiwanese like well spaced flowers but the US breeders preferred them bunched? I'm not sure if there is any truth to this.
something like that?
Perfect Paul. The spacing is incredible. Combined with the colour, that is as nice a roth as I have seen. You rarely see roths with flowers that far apart. I wonder how much of this is genetic or environmental. You had another seedling flower from the same cross at the same time, and its flowers didn't display as well.
Where is this roth up to Paul? Will it flower again soon?