Hello everyone
I have problems with 2 Phrags that were given to me, one is a Phrag Grande, another is a Phrag Cardinale, both were being grown in pure soil and when they were delivered to me they were in a bag waterlogged.
I immediately transplanted them into my typical Phrags mix (50% Medium Eucalyptus Bark XD [In the rest of my Phrags it works very well]
50% small Terracotta, and an extra 10% carbon for Caudas Largs Phrags)
I grow them in a place where they receive sun all day, with a 50% shade cloth, watering every two days. Temperatures from 27Celsius Day to 18 Night
In general, they all have a 2cm water tank at the end of the pot.
The rest of my Phrags and Paph with this culture develop large and robust
In general, the roots that both had were small and rotten, however, they did not recover, the leaves lost strength and lay down *as in the photo
They did not produce new roots, and the leaves began to become streaked, and brown spots with yellowish edges appeared, what can I do?
I got tired of the Phrag Grande and placed it in a bucket, with a little water underneath, and some bricks, so that the pot does not directly touch the water, then I sealed the bucket with a transparent plastic bag, and out of curiosity I poured a little Thricoderma and Bascilus Subtilis in the pot, let's see what happens?

I have problems with 2 Phrags that were given to me, one is a Phrag Grande, another is a Phrag Cardinale, both were being grown in pure soil and when they were delivered to me they were in a bag waterlogged.
I immediately transplanted them into my typical Phrags mix (50% Medium Eucalyptus Bark XD [In the rest of my Phrags it works very well]
50% small Terracotta, and an extra 10% carbon for Caudas Largs Phrags)
I grow them in a place where they receive sun all day, with a 50% shade cloth, watering every two days. Temperatures from 27Celsius Day to 18 Night
In general, they all have a 2cm water tank at the end of the pot.
The rest of my Phrags and Paph with this culture develop large and robust
In general, the roots that both had were small and rotten, however, they did not recover, the leaves lost strength and lay down *as in the photo
They did not produce new roots, and the leaves began to become streaked, and brown spots with yellowish edges appeared, what can I do?
I got tired of the Phrag Grande and placed it in a bucket, with a little water underneath, and some bricks, so that the pot does not directly touch the water, then I sealed the bucket with a transparent plastic bag, and out of curiosity I poured a little Thricoderma and Bascilus Subtilis in the pot, let's see what happens?