A bit busy as of now... But for the seedlings, the problem is to keep the conditions even. If they dry out/get wet in cycles, it eventually damages the base, and result in rot. However there is more to that, and the symptoms are typical of an infection.
For the seedlings death on the photos, the only treatment is an anti-pythium/phytophthora such as mefenofam, fosetyl-al and similar as a drench. It will stop overnight. Afterwards, it is worth to check the EC of the potting mix and its pH. A lot of problems are related to those two parameter, though oomycete death can occur even if all the paramteres are fine. Simply because it is an infection...
Regarding the copper/Kocide that is copper hydroxide, it is still use by some large nurseries, and it is definitely not damaging to Paphiopedilum. It is especially efficient for wet rots types. But in that compot case, it will not help.
For the seedlings death on the photos, the only treatment is an anti-pythium/phytophthora such as mefenofam, fosetyl-al and similar as a drench. It will stop overnight. Afterwards, it is worth to check the EC of the potting mix and its pH. A lot of problems are related to those two parameter, though oomycete death can occur even if all the paramteres are fine. Simply because it is an infection...
Regarding the copper/Kocide that is copper hydroxide, it is still use by some large nurseries, and it is definitely not damaging to Paphiopedilum. It is especially efficient for wet rots types. But in that compot case, it will not help.