SEPOS '14 (4/11 - 13) - Philadelphia, PA

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hello Eric, I did get the box, but after I'd walked out and had to drive around and double park, look for Bob S who had set them aside at the AOS table. I still haven't unpacked them and the other plants yet; very busy

Eric, do you have p fischeri or interest in one a year out if flask? I bought the two from Main Street orchids. He was baffled that no-one had seen them or shown interest, I took the two he had. If not, I'm sure someone here would be interested in buying one.

Nice to see Marcus at ooi's table, heard people saying Chyenne's name but don't know if I saw him wandering around. Nice show! I also checked out the butterfly room

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I can't speak to the legality of the plant but everyone was right, pictures do not do it justice. The flower and pouch were massive...congrat's Cheyenne! Eric it was a pleasure meeting you. Hope to post some pictures soon.
Great pics! Congrats on the award Cheyenne! When I saw that Wednesday night my jaw hit the floor. Here area a few more pics from the show.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531206.268316.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531224.268277.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531237.797063.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531249.864665.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531263.670585.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1397531275.865409.jpg

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Thanks everyone. It was great seeing everyone and talking with a lot of people. I talked with Jim Marlow for a while. I always forget how fun it is to really get into talking with people who love orchids as much as I do.

Did no one get a picture of Glen's vietnamense album?