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I'm forced to slow down shopping since this is the main season for the sport I play. I got one orchid from Tenis's space-making sale, i ordered some flasks from Peruflora, i have some new Paphs coming in, J&L sale is open July 4th holiday so I will get a few there.

that's slowing down?
Just looking at what it says under my avatar pretty much sums it up. I have too many plants, I try to convince myself that I am selling on EBay to make money. That's a lie. I sell plants to make room for new ones...
I try to convince myself that I am selling on EBay to make money. That's a lie. I sell plants to make room for new ones...
The most honest thing I have heard all week!
Self control. only get or keep what you really like or want. Make an order from a huge nursery or yur favorite nursery during adverse weather conditions so the order will be postponed and only order 1. I did on monday and didn't add to it lol.. seriously
:sob:Ok, I have to admid it. I slipped. Really it was more of a jump than a slip. I couldn't resist the new SVO list, it was so enticing! I had to look back on this post to see how long I lasted. Not long. I had a moment of weakness, followed by several days of plotting and scheming. But I did make space for them! I sold some plants, which offset the cost a bit. I realized I was doing even more obsessing not buying plants than I would if I pulled the trigger. So that's what I did. But I did it responsibly. Or, at least, justifiably. To me.

I guess I'm not as strong willed as I thought. Maybe I'll set a more realistic goal next time.
I'm happy to report that I haven't bought a new orchid since July. But this may be because I am channeling my collecting-urges back into tropical fish and aquariums. There are now 5 aquariums in my office---all for research!!! I swear---that I am collecting aquarium plants for and rearing fish for the lab work.

I still browse Ebay for orchids. Theresa has some lovely plants up there...
I got...
2 Fdk After Dark remake
2 Fdk Julio David Rios
2 cyc. warscewiczii
1 morm. colossus x cyc. warscewiczii

And then bonus plants
1 ctsm denticulatum x Frilly Doris
1 ctsm Portagee Star x fimbriatum
1 ctsm Lovena

Not a bad haul. They all fit. This year.

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