Six spikes for the MDC this year

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
Although at the moment only four of them are in flower.

64E1BE49-1EA7-4D69-8F7A-13CCB39BDDD5 by john quaife, on Flickr

Still developing. There were four spikes last year. Should look good in a month or so when all the spikes and side branches are fully out.
It sits on an east facing windowsill for the winter then goes outside in the summer against a north facing wall. Gets sun from lunchtime onwards. Sits in rain water plus a tiny bit of rainmix year round. Easy peasy!
Not sure how big it will eventually get to. The growths are very dense but the spikes get to nearly a metre high before starting to flower. Influence of the sargentianum parent,
Source of MDC


I am pretty sure that this plant, an eBay purchase several years ago is not from the EYOF. The flowers are nowhere near the size of the polyploid forms.
It sat around for at least three years and did little. It nearly went in the bin. It was not until I changed to rainwater/rain mix year round that it took off.
The leaves on this plant have always been quite dark even when it is out in the summer sun but they get darker once the plants comes inside.
It gets no special treatment. At the moment it is sat on an east facing windowsill in the main living room above a radiator. I keep the worst of the heat off the plant by covering the top of the radiator with some silver foil to redirect the heat.
That is all. It is really now just a house plant,

I am pretty sure that this plant, an eBay purchase several years ago is not from the EYOF.

I agree it looks like the more standard Memoria Dick Clements and not the polyploid form. I have a clone from OrchidView, 'Katherine', that is a polypoid form from the EYOF. I've never been able to get it to grow or bloom well. I don't have that problem with some of the standard Memoria Dick Clements (or similar hybrids).