Some Australian terrestrials

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On the 2nd page I showed some photos of the largest greenhood species baptistii. Here is another Pterostylis baptistii, but this clone comes from Queensland (Mothar Mountain). It doesn't look much different but it does flower much earlier than my other clones. My other more southern clones won't flower until around October.


Haven't seen P. baptistii here in the USA, mostly P. curta. Thanks for sharing.
What do you do with your plants after the leaves die down?

Once the leaves start to brown off, I stop watering them. I put them in the garage or wherever, and let them dry right out. This tends to happen around November sometime. In January, I repot them into a new mix and water them. I let them dry out a bit between waterings until I start to see new leaves from where I water regularly.
Once the leaves start to brown off, I stop watering them. I put them in the garage or wherever, and let them dry right out. This tends to happen around November sometime. In January, I repot them into a new mix and water them. I let them dry out a bit between waterings until I start to see new leaves from where I water regularly.
I feel a little stupid, wish I had that advice earlier. Mine died down but I didn't reduce watering, now a month later they are coming back up again! :(
Two clones of this lovely miniature species. I prefer the Victorian clone. A nicer darker green and the spikes are more upright.

Trim Greenhood

Pterostylis concinna (Yarra Bend Park, Victoria)



Pterostylis concinna (Biragambil Hills, NSW)


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Here is my Pterostylis curta flowering again. My terrestrials are flowering earlier this year as they are growing in my greenhouse. Previously they were growing outside in the cold winter air. This species is such a terrific clumper. Two years ago it had 20 tubers, the next year 46 and in this flowering 126. I think I planted the tubers too close together. The leaves and flowers are a bit too crowded. The 2nd photo shows the tubers when I repotted them earlier this year.


I'm not sure I can help much Jens as I have the same problem with Sarcs. They are fantastic orchids. Some of the modern hybrids are just incredible, especially when you see specimen plants in flower. I grow mine in the same glasshouse as my Paphs which I think is the problem. I think it is too warm and the plants don't get enough light. I think they need a bit of a chill to flower well. I am planning to build a cool house shortly where I can move my Sarcs too. I will find out then. :)

I've tried to move my Sarc. fitz. from the east-southeast window at home to my colleague's office at work, window facing north, but still a relative bright northern window. There is a slight cold downdraught from his window, which has worked quite well with some temperate to cooler growing Paph.species (this was f.ex. where my malipoense bloomed in the spring, and where I've just detected a bud in a micrantum). If this doesn't work either, my last resort would be to move the plant to my back stairs landing at home (i.e. my cool growing zone, but with quite nice light from the oblique window facing west).

As the quote above is from some time ago, I wonder, David, whether you have had the opportunity to move your Sarcs to a cool growing environment - and if so, what your experience have been in relation to their flowering?!

Oh, and by the way, your nature pics and the pics of the terrestiasl in situ are incredible!

And a final PS: the Diplodium flowers, especially, seem to me to look like grasshoppers on an inflorecense!

Kind regards from the Northern Hempisphere,
A lot of years ago I grew

Cryptostylis leptochila

and Cryptostylis subulata
I've tried to move my Sarc. fitz. from the east-southeast window at home to my colleague's office at work, window facing north, but still a relative bright northern window. There is a slight cold downdraught from his window, which has worked quite well with some temperate to cooler growing Paph.species (this was f.ex. where my malipoense bloomed in the spring, and where I've just detected a bud in a micrantum). If this doesn't work either, my last resort would be to move the plant to my back stairs landing at home (i.e. my cool growing zone, but with quite nice light from the oblique window facing west).

As the quote above is from some time ago, I wonder, David, whether you have had the opportunity to move your Sarcs to a cool growing environment - and if so, what your experience have been in relation to their flowering?!

Oh, and by the way, your nature pics and the pics of the terrestiasl in situ are incredible!

And a final PS: the Diplodium flowers, especially, seem to me to look like grasshoppers on an inflorecense!

Kind regards from the Northern Hempisphere,

Thanks Jens. I did move my Sarcs into my new cool greenhouse this May. The temperature gets down to 3 or 4 degrees celsius. The light is also much brighter. I was checking my largest plant the other day and there are many spikes just starting to initiate. So things are looking promising. In fact, all of my cool growing orchids are flowering beautifully now in the new setup. I think the main reason is the increase in light.
Thank you for the reply, David. I'll eagerly follow the progress...and as your changes in growth environment already seem to point towards success, I'll next year make further changes if my recent setup doesn't yield some flowers!

Congrats on the cool house! I'm so envious for all the possibilities it opens up to explore! Maybe, you could be persuaded to post a picture or two of the cool greenhouse in the Forum for Slipper Orchid Culture or Collections?!

All the best, Jens