Other than substrate, things I can share about how I grow mine:
The humidity is fairly high, being in a clear grow tent (the one made by vegtrug, so the shelves actually hold weight and the zippers last more than a week), with just the tiny computer fans I use in my carnivorous plant tanks, for air circulation - they really don't seem to mind air that's on the stagnate side, in my experience, as long as water doesn't get on the leaves.
I water roughly three times a week, and feed them weekly (1/8 tsp MSU per gallon), and keep them 8-12" below their lights, which are just some LED tubes I found on eBay a few years ago that have are nice bright white with a few red. I think the seller's name was "orchidhobbyist" or "theorchidhobbyist". When the plants are closer to lights, they do grow more aggressively, I've found, but the leaves go yellow and seem more vulnerable to developing brown spot.
Oh, and I haven't found them to be as happy in very shallow pots, for me, in spite of having seen many, many beautiful pictures of them grown like that. I particularly like aircone pots for smaller plants, but otherwise, a nice tall pot that I can really overdo the styrofoam peanut layer with, is my preference -- ideally clear or translucent to allow for ease of root-ogling! The plant in these picture is in a repurposed clear gelato/yoghurt container I put drainage holes in with a heated screwdriver, being very professional about my hobbies
- you can see the roots are enjoying the depth, in spite of the pot's questionable origin story