some primary hybirds (2)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
Yunlin, Taiwan






Hope you like them:)
Another guessing game???!!!

Some of these are probably named, but I'll just list my parentage guesses for now...

1 spicerianum X glaucophyllum (certainly spice X some cochlo)

2 hirsutissimum X bellatulum (not really sure, but my best guess- I see a dorsal stripe I can't explain with this parentage though)

3 niveum X victoria-regina/chamberlainianum (or some cochlo)

4 bellatulum X glaucophyllum

5 emersonii X primulinum (Summer Ice)

6 micranthum X glaucophyllum (Mem Connie Truax- a VERY nice one!)

How'd I do??? :)
The pouch on the first one really makes me lean towards henryanum. Ernie, you sure on the spicerianum parent???
The pouch on the first one really makes me lean towards henryanum. Ernie, you sure on the spicerianum parent???

Very sure there's no henry in there (but I've been wrong- MANY times). Pretty sure it's spice x a cochlo. See our Paphiopedilum Zollingeri about 2/3 of the way down here... I was stunned when this thing bloomed out with that strong pouch color too. The mahogany overlay in the spice pouch really enhances the cochlo pink/red for sure.
Very sure there's no henry in there (but I've been wrong- MANY times). Pretty sure it's spice x a cochlo....

i was kinda thinkin' henry too but i kinda think it might be spice x victoria reginae or maybe victoria-mariae

The pouch on the first one really makes me lean towards henryanum. Ernie, you sure on the spicerianum parent???
where would the center dorsal stripe come from if spicer wasn't a parent?

My first thought was when I started looking at this thread was ... hmmm...
I'd enjoy it better if I knew what the crosses were .... hmmm ....
or is this a guessing game? Not now it's too early, gotta work!
I thought you did real good Ernie!
i was kinda thinkin' henry too but i kinda think it might be spice x victoria reginae or maybe victoria-mariae


Yeah, but henryanum onto cochlos always gives good dorsal spots. Think Diane Vickery, Limidolli, and Tropical Magic.
Very sure there's no henry in there (but I've been wrong- MANY times). Pretty sure it's spice x a cochlo. See our Paphiopedilum Zollingeri about 2/3 of the way down here... I was stunned when this thing bloomed out with that strong pouch color too. The mahogany overlay in the spice pouch really enhances the cochlo pink/red for sure.

Wow!!!! I see what you mean by the overlay enhancing the pink in the pouch. I truly wouldn't expect that.