Here is the only catt. alliance hybrid that I can count on blooming!
It is Stellamizutaara 'Kelly Lea' and it is "made of" Brassavola nodosa x cattletonia 'keith roth',
and ctna 'keith roth' is a cross of Cattley bicolor (50%) x broughtonia sanguinea 50%. I read that those contribute equally.
The leaves are most like the noodosa, and but they are only 10-12" tall!
Before ever bloomed for me I made a drawing of the "parents" to try and get an idea of what it would look like, since I couldnt find any pics online. I have included that
It blooms on each new growth once it matures and doesn't need tons of light (seeing as it blooms for me) I would say it blooms every 4-6 months usually with 2-3 growths blooming at the same time. Usually 2 buds/flowers per spike.
Thanks for looking
It is Stellamizutaara 'Kelly Lea' and it is "made of" Brassavola nodosa x cattletonia 'keith roth',
and ctna 'keith roth' is a cross of Cattley bicolor (50%) x broughtonia sanguinea 50%. I read that those contribute equally.
The leaves are most like the noodosa, and but they are only 10-12" tall!
Before ever bloomed for me I made a drawing of the "parents" to try and get an idea of what it would look like, since I couldnt find any pics online. I have included that
It blooms on each new growth once it matures and doesn't need tons of light (seeing as it blooms for me) I would say it blooms every 4-6 months usually with 2-3 growths blooming at the same time. Usually 2 buds/flowers per spike.
Thanks for looking