Well-Known Member
Phal cornu-cervi f. flava (peloric) - this is a clone, some revert back to normal flower. This one seems to be consistent.
Phal cornu-cervi f. red - this is a clone. Most have white lip. This one has reddish color on the lip. Alas photo is not very clear.
Phal corningiana 'Chin Yo' x sib
Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS x 'Dowery'
Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS
Phal sanderiana
Phal sumatrana
Phal bellina 'GW103'
Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Mother plant is said to be wild collected. Most of Phal violacea var alba offered today have phal micholitzii in the background - making them easier to grow than pure species.
Phal violacea var coerulea (Taiwan blue)
Phal bellina var coerulea (blue)
Phal bellina - Tying Shin sib cross - lip looks rather large, leaves have heavy substance.

Phal cornu-cervi f. red - this is a clone. Most have white lip. This one has reddish color on the lip. Alas photo is not very clear.

Phal corningiana 'Chin Yo' x sib

Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS x 'Dowery'

Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS

Phal sanderiana

Phal sumatrana

Phal bellina 'GW103'

Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Mother plant is said to be wild collected. Most of Phal violacea var alba offered today have phal micholitzii in the background - making them easier to grow than pure species.

Phal violacea var coerulea (Taiwan blue)

Phal bellina var coerulea (blue)

Phal bellina - Tying Shin sib cross - lip looks rather large, leaves have heavy substance.