Summer Flowering Phalaenopsis species

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Southlake, Texas
Phal cornu-cervi f. flava (peloric) - this is a clone, some revert back to normal flower. This one seems to be consistent.

Phal cornu-cervi f. red - this is a clone. Most have white lip. This one has reddish color on the lip. Alas photo is not very clear.

Phal corningiana 'Chin Yo' x sib

Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS x 'Dowery'

Phal corningiana 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS

Phal sanderiana

Phal sumatrana

Phal bellina 'GW103'

Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Phal violacea var alba 'Mainshow' X self - Mother plant is said to be wild collected. Most of Phal violacea var alba offered today have phal micholitzii in the background - making them easier to grow than pure species.

Phal violacea var coerulea (Taiwan blue)

Phal bellina var coerulea (blue)

Phal bellina - Tying Shin sib cross - lip looks rather large, leaves have heavy substance.
As I scrolled through the photos, I liked each one better than
the last! My sanderianas are in bud too and it's very exciting to watch the progress of the buds. The 'Fernbrook'
is amazing. The soft color of the violacea (Taiwan Blue)
is very appealing to me as well. Oh, just send them all!
All very lovely!

It's funny how the petals are wavy on the first one.
Like dancing arms. lol
BTW: My sanderiana was a lot more pink. Yours looks to me as if it's amabilis. Did you get the names mixed up....or, does sanderians also come in a VERY light version? It's not even the same shape as mine. Here's mine....looks very different.

Phal sanderiana doesn't have to be pink. These are seed grown - and couple has light lavender color. I wouldn't be surprised if hybridizers select darker color - and make the pink color the 'norm' of what we cultivate.

An example is Phal amboinensis var common - white background with larger flower. The discovery of yellow base color has been popular so it is harder to find var common than the yellow color form now.

Also we are seeing more Phal bellina var coerulea available today than the normal color Phal bellina.
Okay. Thanks very much! I'm no expert on this species by any means. I've only ever owned the one plant; so, that's the limit of my experience and knowledge. Being quite pink made me assume that's a required characteristic for them all.

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