Is the Kew/MoBo list the best list of taxonomically recognized paphs?
Nice find. Depends on what you mean by "best" though.
I would say that The Plant List is a good start. I generally start from it, and also check MoBot's Tropicos. I noticed a few mismatches between these 2 databases in the past. Then, I would check the primary literature if there are some difficult issues. The most up-to-date is primary literatures, so there are some time lag.
Thanks; at least Tropicos mentions anitum as a variety of adductum.
I continue to really like BlueNanta as a site.
When I look at the World Checklist, I see that everything is a name that is accepted, but there isn't any judgment about which is the current accepted species and which are only synonyms of the species?
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Looking again, I think they are all pulling from the data sources. The World Checklist and the Plant List seem to be identical. In the World Checklist, all of the Paphiopedilum entries identify the accepted species by being bolded. In the Plant List they are bolded and also say either Accepted, or Synonym. I think the Blue Nanta is probably pulling from the same or almost the same data. All identify that anitum is a synonym of adductum. All have the entry for rungsurianum.
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