The end is coming! Enjoy it!

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Oh my!!! That's a lot of goodies I'm going to have to try now that world did not end! Thanks for the link!

Now I'm off to marinate a lobster in a ginger, scallion and sesame oil marinade for steaming later tonight!!!
Oh my!!! That's a lot of goodies I'm going to have to try now that world did not end! Thanks for the link!

Now I'm off to marinate a lobster in a ginger, scallion and sesame oil marinade for steaming later tonight!!!

welcome! hmmmmm, i've never purchased and cooked my own lobster before but that sounds good. maybe I can do it with shrimp (though won't be as good)

btw, the pineapple zucchini bread is really good, and the chocolate zucchini bread is excellent, especially if you mix dark cacao and semi-sweet chips into the bread :drool:
WOW, the breads made my mouth drool, lol...

I bet you could steam the shrimp just as easily. It's really not hard to do lobster or shrimp! In fact, think I may post the recipe now!
it's pretty easy too. take a yellow box cake mix, make according to instructions and put into greased pan, put in 4 cups rhubarb (original recipe) or 3 cups rhubarb and 2 cups blueberries, pour a half-pint of cream over the top (and extra cover top with a mix of oatmeal, butter, a little flour and brown sugar, mixed together by hand) and if no extra topping, sprinkle 3/4 cup sugar over the top (1/4 cup or less if using crumb topping). bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 350F or until done, store in refrigerator
it's pretty easy too. take a yellow box cake mix, make according to instructions and put into greased pan, put in 4 cups rhubarb (original recipe) or 3 cups rhubarb and 2 cups blueberries, pour a half-pint of cream over the top (and extra cover top with a mix of oatmeal, butter, a little flour and brown sugar, mixed together by hand) and if no extra topping, sprinkle 3/4 cup sugar over the top (1/4 cup or less if using crumb topping). bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 350F or until done, store in refrigerator
OK -- next rhubarb season, I'm trying this. Thanks!
...Some people (like pointed out above) have deep superstition and are easily panicked...

I would argue that its most people and that it is an irrational faith more than superstition. I would go further as to define "irrational faith" as applying beliefs beyond their strict definition---much like Christians who handle rattlesnakes because Luke writes that the Apostles will be bitten and stung and not die. Are these Christians designated Apostles? Or, my personal favorite, acolytes of Atheism who claim that Science will explain everything as if Science had a voice of its own and isn't simply the theory (and conjecture) churned out by human beings with biased points of view. A central tenet in the Philosophy of Science is that people will make mistakes (no might make mistakes but will make mistakes) and it is useful to go back and recheck the data and retest the theory. Unless human beings suddenly become perfect science can't explain everything, ever... but this irrational faith in Science is now about as rampant as the faith that Jesus Christ was born on the 25th of December.

My gripe with Christmas isn't that its just one day and the next day is like the Christmas never happened. The only worthy idea is the one espoused by the Muppets in The Muppet Christmas Carol song "It Feels Like Christmas":
It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
And it is the season of the spirit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year

The point of any religious holiday should be to enforce a positive behavior, not to simply have a party.

That rhubarb cakes sounds great. I wonder if I can find any locally?

So, Merry Christmas and make it last all year!
Charles, when are you coming down so I can get you some lobster tails??

I don't really know or have a time right now when I would be in the area. What's the occasion?

If you can find rhubarb in south africa, the cake recipe is very easy :) I don't think you'll find the cake itself anywhere for sale though since I don't know anything about anything there, maybe you could
Bad news. Seems Isaac Newton predicts the end of the world as being in 2060: . He doesn't give a specific date so there is still an element of surprise. Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on 2 December 25, 800 so it looks like another December end of the world. How neat that is coincides with the winter solstice (Julian Calendar, I wonder if Isaac allowed for that?).

I like the statement "Luckily for modern scientists in awe of his achievements, Newton based this figure on religion rather than reasoning." Looking at all the math scrawled at the bottom of the page these seems to have been a lot of reasoning to this number. Like any logical argument there are seven propositions building to the conclusion. Seems journalists no longer know what the word "reasoning" means. Its the premise, not the reasoning, that is important.

I hope we can pick up this thread in 2060. I should be past 80 by then and may not remember the looming end of the world. Some more bad news: for those who missed Halley's Comet in 1986, it will be back in 2061 so there will be no second chance.
Newton's calculations were based on a static universe, one that didn't change. As smart as he was, he didn't know about the expanding universe. So his calculations are probably off by a few billion years. As for Halley's comet, if I remember well, it was seen mostly in the southern hemisphere, so I didn't see it and I won't in 2061 or so, unless I can make it to 115 years old and assuming my age has not made me blind by then. Those figures don't look good for me. :p
Newton's calculations were based on a static universe, one that didn't change.

Yip, there you go, its the premise which makes all the difference.

Shiva, with the advances in medicine we may all make it to 115! In fact, my job is finding ways to do that. If I can increase the lifespan of my fish by 42% then maybe I get it right for people. That would get 50% of the population to at least 110. You just need to make sure you are in the surviving 50% and the other 5 years may be attainable.
Oh my... Though I'd think at some point I'd want to go as I would never understand the new technology. Heck, I'm having issues now with some of it, but the neighbors 5 year old can fix it all!
yes, but ask the youngster to turn on the record player and they'll look at you like.... ;) there's always something somebody knows and doesn't know, and technology isn't what makes a civilization or a people great (or at least bearable)
Yip, there you go, its the premise which makes all the difference.

Shiva, with the advances in medicine we may all make it to 115! In fact, my job is finding ways to do that. If I can increase the lifespan of my fish by 42% then maybe I get it right for people. That would get 50% of the population to at least 110. You just need to make sure you are in the surviving 50% and the other 5 years may be attainable.

And if I can make it to 115, why not 200 or 300? Keep it up Tyrone. Maybe I will settle on Mars after all. And I might even still have time to find a wife younger than me. :rolleyes: