I have to say that the 4" Angle Grinder is right up there with the sawzall. I stripped most of the rust and paint from my Land Cruiser with mine (with a twisted brush wheel)... use it for grinding down welds, cutting off metal parts that I don't feel like sawing through, etc. And I've never seriously injured myself with it, that I can recall. I might have to move up to the 6" one of these days
- Matt
I shouldn't be putting myself down, but if you've seen a Dremel in person you would hardly call it manly. Its extremly useful and versitile, but barely manly.
Thanks Hien for trying to not discriminating.
real men use hand tools. I have a 5 lb pick mattock for the garden--now that's a manly tool!
I have to agree with you Scott. I have a 5lb maul for splitting wood. A few years ago it also came in handy to put down a deer that was run over in the road in front of my house. Only took one swing.
I also have a couple of chain saws for the power freaks. The biggest one is only 24" though.