The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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False -- ours is all gone. For now. But we are still waiting for the river's flood water to go down.

TPBM spent some time today dreaming, planning for the possibility of a greenhouse.
ummm... make what? coffee? if so, it was true a while ago but i got it already....

tpbm is ready for a cinnamon roll
false! nothing can be surprising in weather :D

TPBM wanted at least once answer to another question that the previous one.
true, versatile form of sugar

tpbm thought his/her Ludisia was getting sunburn, but turned out to be aphid
false, don't see any scale at the moment but was surprised to find paph bellatulum infested (but under the leaves where couldn't be seen) :mad: :fight: with mealybugs

tpbm would like to find a way to make a 'picture' of the way the greenhouses full of pansies at work smell so that they could share it online with everyone :D
true (almost). no pansies and no greenhouse, but would be good to take a "picture" of dendrobium kingianum smell in my bedroom (picture is without me :))

and marshmellows...never-never!

tpbm likes fairy-tales
False, my sweetheart is tonight here with me :D

TPBM had a looooong heavy spanish food dinner tonight :)

tpbm has been on a cleaning frenzy as the folks are coming tonight and the house should pass inspection.
1/2 true Sunday we clean, but nobody is dropping by

tpbm thinks imageshack is working like a cow chip today

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