The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Completely true!!!! From raw to cooked, it is delicious in various ways... :)

TPBM loves birdwatching!!!!!
well I would have to say this is false as I love chocolate but I am not allergic to it....ohhh wait......I do have this reaction to hips get bigger.......maybe I am allergic after all......

TPBM spent over $100 on new orchid plants this month already
well I would have to say this is false as I love chocolate but I am not allergic to it....ohhh wait......I do have this reaction to hips get bigger.......maybe I am allergic after all......

TPBM spent over $100 on new orchid plants this month already
Oh my goodness, how did you know???! I took advantage of Jason's offer, and a few other things from their website.

TPBM voted in Super Tuesday's election.

The person below me....has a husband who when they have children is going to count as another child for sure! My husband is just a big kid! Can't take him anywhere! :) (this could also apply to those couples who already have children as well.)

False! All plants have been pre selected for the upcoming orchid shows (3)! Have 8 preselected so far (mostly multifloral Paph). :)

TPBM is in need of orchid supplies!
True! I was going to pick up bark at what used to be Acker's over lunch but ran out of time.

The person below me has changed jobs on average every two years in their adult life.
Kinda true, but it's currently at someone else's house. Served as a place to root boxwood cuttings.

The person below me is (like me) excited to be attending lectures and presentations in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin this weekend!
no, but I recently did a web search for a co-worker who needed repairs for his, and he does use them when there is enough snow

tpbm when they reply will be their first post to slippertalk
False...I think I am like 100 something and some change now.

The person below me....has prepared for a show for a long time and then the week of the show everything that could go wrong did! Car trouble, plants quitting name went wrong!

OMG! So true, minor car accident on Thursday (mine was without a scratch) and than incidentally, my boyfriend's car broke down and as a result had to use mine to go to work... for the whole gosh darn weekend.

The person below me.... is going to the Pacific Orchid Expo.
True!!! I will be helping in judging plants and not b able to go to Santa Barbara.

TPBM is going to the the Santa Barbara show

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