True.. first I had a "crazy" party here (with 20 people dressed in frech 18th Century fashion) which lasted untill 4:00 am, and then I was too drunk to sleep well at all :evil:
TPBM, knows that eating left-over lamb is not the best idea when TPBM has a hangover...
I would think that eating anything at all at that stage would not be a good idea
tpbm has been cleaning tiny, pink-colored mealybugs off of their hawaiian tree fern with a tiny stick (wish I could do it with a club without hurting the fern, or orchids for that matter)
False, but a little scale on a few plants today! Loving 91% alcohol wipe and then Neem and Merit spray! :fight:
TPBM is having orange tea and oatmeal cookies.