cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Feb 20, 2011 #5,761 false tpbm is wondering who on the forum will be the first to find morels this year!
C Clark Guest Feb 21, 2011 #5,762 not at the moment. false. tpbm used the force this weekend to get extremely favorable pricing, on their first flat screen TV. Chrissy goes numb at these events, but I have fun.
not at the moment. false. tpbm used the force this weekend to get extremely favorable pricing, on their first flat screen TV. Chrissy goes numb at these events, but I have fun.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Feb 21, 2011 #5,763 False, no flat screen until my orchid desires are satisfied! TPBM will get vie to get a big flat screen TV and new mega-gig X-box 360 to play with their own video game avatar by X-mas.
False, no flat screen until my orchid desires are satisfied! TPBM will get vie to get a big flat screen TV and new mega-gig X-box 360 to play with their own video game avatar by X-mas.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Feb 21, 2011 #5,764 false, but that sounds like big fun! tpbm likes oatmeal
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Feb 21, 2011 #5,765 True, thanx for the breakfast idea! TPBM likes lemon meringue pie!
C Clark Guest Feb 21, 2011 #5,766 true, if its the only thing on the table. tpbm likes blueberry pie, with flaky crust.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Feb 21, 2011 #5,767 true! tpbm likes chocolate cream pie and banana cream pie and coconut cream pie
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Feb 21, 2011 #5,768 Only Chocolate cream pie TPBM is also having steak for dinner!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Feb 21, 2011 #5,769 hmmm, i'm noticing a definite trend here! :drool: oh, false. baked seasoned chicken tpbm pretty much likes all desserts so would answer true to most of the above questions
hmmm, i'm noticing a definite trend here! :drool: oh, false. baked seasoned chicken tpbm pretty much likes all desserts so would answer true to most of the above questions
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Feb 22, 2011 #5,770 Mostly true, except for Ughhh! rhubarb! TPBM needs to start working out more.
SlipperFan Addicted Joined Jun 9, 2006 Messages 43,290 Reaction score 54 Location Michigan, USA Feb 22, 2011 #5,771 That's true! But you don't like rhubarb custard pie???:sob: TPBM is preparing for their orchid show this weekend.
That's true! But you don't like rhubarb custard pie???:sob: TPBM is preparing for their orchid show this weekend.
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Feb 22, 2011 #5,772 Kind of true. I'm mentally preparing my list for the Orchid Society of Alberta Show in Edmonton this weekend. I can hardly wait. TPBM visited with another Slippertalk member recently.
Kind of true. I'm mentally preparing my list for the Orchid Society of Alberta Show in Edmonton this weekend. I can hardly wait. TPBM visited with another Slippertalk member recently.
C Clark Guest Feb 23, 2011 #5,773 6 weeks ago, true? tpbm will be in the bush today, chasing the not-so-common, Common Redpoll. hopefully, i'll canonize them.
6 weeks ago, true? tpbm will be in the bush today, chasing the not-so-common, Common Redpoll. hopefully, i'll canonize them.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Feb 23, 2011 #5,774 false tpbm is crazy about a newly bloomed plant
E eOrchids Well-Known Member Joined Jun 12, 2006 Messages 1,760 Reaction score 5 Location somewhere in NJ Feb 24, 2011 #5,775 False! TPBM ideal vacation is to stay home with their orchids!
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Feb 24, 2011 #5,776 False! TPBM's ideal vacation is to take their lottery winnings to a place like OZ or OL and buy stud plants!!!
False! TPBM's ideal vacation is to take their lottery winnings to a place like OZ or OL and buy stud plants!!!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Feb 24, 2011 #5,777 false (why not just buy parkside orchids and be done with it?) tpbm is getting a little peeved with........ (nothing to do with slippertalk(ers)) :viking:
false (why not just buy parkside orchids and be done with it?) tpbm is getting a little peeved with........ (nothing to do with slippertalk(ers)) :viking:
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Feb 24, 2011 #5,778 very, very true tpbm wishes "in with the love, out with the jive" breathing exercises would help him/her
very, very true tpbm wishes "in with the love, out with the jive" breathing exercises would help him/her
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Feb 26, 2011 #5,780 don't watch, don't know tpbm can see that getting a new 'free' phone (only with higher subscription plan) will cost them more money in the long run
don't watch, don't know tpbm can see that getting a new 'free' phone (only with higher subscription plan) will cost them more money in the long run