Two years ago a few of us went to a new spot for a very tiny orchid
Malaxis brachypoda var something or white adders mouth

It wasnt quite flowering yet. While searching before, I set down my water bottle. While wandering a bit remembered the bottle, and couldnt find it. Time was short and we had to leave. I thought about that bottle, wondered if someone else would find it or ... we were orchid searching in a place called nine mile swamp, which literally is a nine mile cedar swamp in which the infamous Loomis gang would hide in after thefts and raids. If the authorities couldnt find big men on big horses likely the bottle was in for a long rest
This weekend we went back finding the orchid in flower. After a few hours a friend said *hey anyone missing a blue stainless water bottle* ? People laughed ...

This bottle was originally my nephews in south orange nj. He used a lot until paint started peeling off. I used it a lot also and it had been on many orchid and biking trips. After a two years rest in upstate under deep moss and at times deep snow, its action time again!
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Malaxis brachypoda var something or white adders mouth

It wasnt quite flowering yet. While searching before, I set down my water bottle. While wandering a bit remembered the bottle, and couldnt find it. Time was short and we had to leave. I thought about that bottle, wondered if someone else would find it or ... we were orchid searching in a place called nine mile swamp, which literally is a nine mile cedar swamp in which the infamous Loomis gang would hide in after thefts and raids. If the authorities couldnt find big men on big horses likely the bottle was in for a long rest
This weekend we went back finding the orchid in flower. After a few hours a friend said *hey anyone missing a blue stainless water bottle* ? People laughed ...

This bottle was originally my nephews in south orange nj. He used a lot until paint started peeling off. I used it a lot also and it had been on many orchid and biking trips. After a two years rest in upstate under deep moss and at times deep snow, its action time again!
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