thoughts on these P. helenae leaves

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Nov 15, 2017
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I like how mush russet there is to the flower in the ad; obviously I’d be taking a gamble that “my” plant would look nothing like it but I’d like to hear if Antone has concerns about the leaves on some of these plants. Something looks concerning to me. I see some good reviews for this vendor and I find Reid selection tempting but… can anyone verify? What’s foing on with those helenae leaves? Thank you.
The guy who operates under that business name is a customer who has done some small scale selling of plants. Everything I have purchased from him has been healthy and top notch.

“Tarzane”, by the way, was named after his dogs, Tarzan & Jane.
Nothing but algae, dried green algae.

But I have another warning for any e-bay user. I have been ordering orchids on e-bay for like 4 years and now a problem has occured. My major credit card has been hacked with bogus charges and it most likely stems from vendors through e-bay. My proof? I have 2 credit cards through Chase Bank. Only one, the compromised one, has a problem. I guess you could call it my primary card. I use it at a local gas station, Kroger's, E-bay and not much else.
Suddenly about 8 months ago, a charge of $221 appeared. Naturally I had the card cancelled. Things were good for a couple of months. Then the new card, I was using it the same way, was compromised with a couple of fraudulent charges, under $100 each, but charges that I did NOT make. Included were a couple of $1 and $2 charges. Chase called them "trial balloons". Charges made to see if I noticed. Well that card was cancelled as well.
To bring this up to date, I got a fraudulent charge message from Chase at 4 in the morning Sunday. Again, a $28.58 charge that I did not make. While talking on the phone with the Chase fraud division, I discovered another charge from a few days ago, made and refunded. Then 2 more charges that were not mine. So I clicked within the Chase message that I did not recognize those charges. They immediately cancelled that card! Heck, now this is getting crazy!!! Well wouldn't you know it, by the time I got up and phoned Chase at 6;30am, Sunday morning, the brand new card, issued two hours ago, had a fraudulent charge on it. I assumed incorrectly that every new card would stop these charges from continuing but that is not the case.

So with the assistance and suggestion from Chase, he scrubbed my "digital wallet", whatever that is as I am not tech savvy. There were 23 items on my digital wallet and that was the likely source of my fraudulent problems. I was advised not to use E-bay for a while and see if these charges stop. Man, I hope so. Fortunately nothing major was there but one of the last ones were for "sewing supplies"!!!! Really??? I am 76 years old, I couldn't tell you which end of a sewing machine is which, let alone sew anything! No more E-bay for me. That was the original card, three replacements inside of 8 months. Much to much and one was compromised within two hours!!!!
Everyone should beware. Check your credit cards all the time.
Who were the vendors? I don't remember, it was 4 in the morning but two that rang a bell, E-Bay and Etsy. I know that I have never ordered anything through Etsy.
Here is another fraudulent charge. It was for 89.38 from the Clothes Closet in Oregon! I have no idea who that is. That was from last Monday, the 20th.

Maybe I should have posted this as a separate topic or thread?? Maybe an admin or moderator should decide that?
Nothing wrong with the leaves. Just some green algae on some of the leaves. I don't know what you are worried about.
I thought I was going to see half head looking plants with black fungal spots and yellowing leaves galore.
Multiple growths plants like those shown in the photos at that price is a steal!

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