Can some of the people that attended the event give us a little update? Was it a successful event? What was great about it and what didn't you care for about the event. And most of all, what did you get? Where there compots and flasks available? Do, please tell all.
I thought the symposium was excellent and successful, and it exceeded my expectations. I am not sure the exact final attendee count but I think attendance was in the mid 40s. So, a nice size group to have good discussion and make connections. Of course, my preference swayed towards the Slipper talks.

Having said that, the Vanda talks expanded my thinking about vandas and aeridinae. All of the speakers were fabulous being both knowledgeable and entertaining. Also, the dinner and auction were also a highlight for me. It was causal, fun, and a great way to wrap the event.
By way of a wish list, I wish there there was a talk on Phrags. All of the slipper talks centered on Paphs. As a Phrag lover, I would like more Phrag talks and Phrag buying options. Although this did not surprise me, the heat in Florida is not terribly Phrag friendly. I am guessing there are not a lot of Phrags in Floridan collections.
Since the vendors were with the Fall Orchid Festival, there was a nice variety of genus to choose from outside of slippers and vandas. I could have missed them but I did not see many compots or flasks. Spring Water Orchids had a few compots. I purchased a compot of Paph Beluga (emersonii x thaianum) after seeing one in Olaf Gruss' presentation. Of course I bought more. I will share a list later.
Bottomline, I would recommend the symposium. It was worth the trip, including bringing my husband and one year along.