Variegated randsii seedling

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
seattle, wa
well, its not the best pic..took it under the HPS light...leaves are actually darkish green. The seedling is one of 20 of a flask from sam's measures about 4 inch LS..its growing pretty well, not the best but not the the middle as compared to the other plants

Nice variegations! If it grows up maybe you could sell it for high prices since it is a sport!

They look healthy!

I hope you have better luck with the paph than I had with two variegated phrags. I grew them for years before they bloomed. When a bud would form in line with a variegation stripe on the spike , the bud would be varigatied and the resulting flower would be deformed. Needless to say, they both went into the compost.
I hope you have better luck with the paph than I had with two variegated phrags. I grew them for years before they bloomed. When a bud would form in line with a variegation stripe on the spike , the bud would be varigatied and the resulting flower would be deformed. Needless to say, they both went into the compost.

yeah its exciting ...but i am not holding my breath...its got quite few years to go
If the flowers are "normal" then it could be a good surprise to have variegated leaves.
Here I have a variegated charlesworthii but not in bloom yet (next year).

good luck!
Interesting variegation! Will be interesting to watch and see if the variegation stays stable and consistant on the new growth, or if the new growth will revert to solid green.
Looking great! :)

If I remember right it was a variegated Paph. insigne. I saw the ad in an old issue of Orchids or Orchid Digest. :D

yes I remember that from searching online. It had normal blooms.

and then later someone in the united states was offering variegated insigne for sale.
ouch! Tough crowd on this thread! It's too bad that a variegated plant = ugly bloomer in some's opinion. Lots of plants are grown for their foliage, this could be one of then or possibly a bonus! Good Luck ehanes!