Wössner China Moon

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Aug 14, 2014
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My oldest Paphiopedilum Wössner China Moon (hangianum ‘Avery’ x armeniacum ‘Avery’) just out of shower 😁
It is working on three spikes 😍
I got this plant as a medium to large sized seedling about 4inches wide at the time of purchase in the summer of 2014. It came from Canada. Clouds Orchids.
The plant came in 2.5inch tall plastic pot with mostly douglas fir bark with some perlite mixed in and possibly small amount of other materials as well. The plant flowered for the first time in the spring of 2017. It bloomed for me at least once a year since.
I finally repotted the plant as it was just bursting out of its old small pot in 2021.
The roots were in very good conditions and there were many!!
At the time of repot, I simply shook off the old mix and some stay in between the roots and at the center which I did not bother to remove. I put the plant in 4inch pot with some old bark amongst the roots. I simply filled up the gap between the roots and the pot with sphagnum moss. About one year has passed and the new roots have grown to pack the pot. The plant is again bursting with new growths. Time to repot again just because it needs more space. Probably later this year or early next year.
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Your obviously doing what it loves. Keep up the great job
Thanks. It is the plant. I have had a few and this one has been the most vigorous so far.
I find this hybrid in general (based on my very limited experience) is a very willing grower, though.
Wow, beautifully grown. Well done! I have one that is a few years old but still quite small. I recently changed from pure bark to a bark and perlite mix which has helped things along.
If it is small, then, it may seem like it's taking forever. Once it gains some more size, things might turn around!
Good luck! This is one of my favorite hybrids!
Two months and things haven’t moved much lol
Paphiopedilum Wössner China Moon (hangianum ‘Avery’ x armeniacum ‘Avery’) just had a good shower before my long absence. It has three (possibly four!) spikes coming and I really hope they will stay until I return. 🤞🏻 🍀🍀🍀🙂

A Happy update on my Paphiopedilum Wössner China Moon (hangianum ‘Avery’ x armeniacum ‘Avery’).
All three spikes are developing nicely.
They first appeared in July last year. Two of them looked kind of dry & dead near the end of 2022, but what a happy surprise!! 😍
All these are of one plant in 3.5inch spot.

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