Well.... most of the thoughts folks have are on board... I feel I have killed my fair share of them, to the point where one might give up... The plant I had awarded, was a number of years ago, when if I remember correctly, they were pretty abundant, and "larger" plants were pretty readily available. I too agree that culture, particularily the repotting is very important, but it is so much harder trying to keep small seedlings on to the point where they are blooming size. One always has a better chance with larger plants, especially if they are coming in from abroad, where they have been stressed already before we even get them.
The mistake I made with my awarded plant (p mastersianum "Ernest Sombach am/aos)
was I tried to divide it after it was awarded, to make sure I would always have a piece of it.... this was a three growth plant, and as I remember, it pretty much broke apart while repotting, so was an easy decision to divide...
both pieces were very slow to catch on again after repotting and slowly went downhill.
I think the obscurity of the plant these days is because they are not too easy to grow, being a slower grower, so most growers/retailers don't mess with them.
I think it is a misunderstood plant that has a lot of potential, and would like to use it in my breeding.. Next generation mastersianun plants are much more grower friendly, and will turn into specimen plants, so I feel there is a use for it... I will stay on my quest to find some..... Someone has a few sitting around waiting for a sucker like me....
The mistake I made with my awarded plant (p mastersianum "Ernest Sombach am/aos)
was I tried to divide it after it was awarded, to make sure I would always have a piece of it.... this was a three growth plant, and as I remember, it pretty much broke apart while repotting, so was an easy decision to divide...
both pieces were very slow to catch on again after repotting and slowly went downhill.
I think the obscurity of the plant these days is because they are not too easy to grow, being a slower grower, so most growers/retailers don't mess with them.
I think it is a misunderstood plant that has a lot of potential, and would like to use it in my breeding.. Next generation mastersianun plants are much more grower friendly, and will turn into specimen plants, so I feel there is a use for it... I will stay on my quest to find some..... Someone has a few sitting around waiting for a sucker like me....