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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
It's a pink emersonii which lost all it's roots and almost all the leaves apart from what you see.
Will it survive? 🤣
Being such a rare thing, I might as well try. Things can't get too much worse.
Sphag and bag....emersonii.JPG
I mean it does have an eye but will be tough. Typically lose a leaf or two on a case like that before it gets going again so your margin of error is small

But it will probably be a decade before next blooming if you’re lucky
It's a pink emersonii.........Being such a rare thing,
Mike, when you said "a pink emersonii", do you mean the flower has tiny pink spots all over the white petals but with a pure white dorsal, or something else really unusual? got a photo?
Mike, when you said "a pink emersonii", do you mean the flower has tiny pink spots all over the white petals but with a pure white dorsal, or something else really unusual? got a photo?
I never saw the flower. I got it as a 3 leaved seedling.
It grew another leaf and suddenly went black but not from rot.
It was something else. So I cut all the affected leaves off and was left with half a leaf, dormant bud and no roots
Literally praying for you. I did bring back a phillippinense from what must have been the barest amount of viable root tissue -- zero leaves -- from a BS specimen I purchased after the OZ debacle. I was sure it was dead but kept watering anyway and 9 months later thought I was hallucinating when I noticed a green nub. Telling you this tale to give encouragement, not compare. Still hoping you use KelPak, which has been the miracle potion for me (Thanks always, Ray).

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