Who is this secret fellow?

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A primar hybrid that Eric also got a while ago.

Eric is always ordering tons of plants :sob:!!! can only guess for some parvi/brachy mix :) !!! Jean

Well Jean - you can find the species within those groups - I will not tell if its from one or both groups:evil:
Paph. Wossner Vietnam Beauty (bellatulum x vietnamense) or Wossner Bellarmi (bellatulum x armeniacum)

Paph. Wossner Vietnam Beauty (bellatulum x vietnamense) or Wossner Bellarmi (bellatulum x armeniacum)


Ramon you are on the track but

I have Wössner Vietnam Beuty whit a spike at an early stage.
I dont have Wössner Bellarmi.

So its not any of those.

And I checked Ercs last list - yes its there. As you can se the bud is dark red.
Looking good Berrak, keep us posted.
Eric is always ordering tons of plants :sob:!!! can only guess for some parvi/brachy mix :) !!! Jean
That was easy! :p
Actually I dont think that I order lots of Paphs, after I settle down w/ besseae hybrids then I'm going to start getting paphs! :wink: BTW, Sam Tsui had flasks of Paphs Kevin Porter and Tanja Pinkepank a while ago, good stuff!!!
It looks like the flower has good potential with the nice, dark color. Is this its first bloom?

Yes its the first blooming. I have had it in my growth house in the garage since June below 2x58 W flourescent tubes 865 (6500K).

Now its in my wintergarden and the flower is slowly opening.
Update: It seems to go well.

I bought it from Schwerter last year. It seem to be a huge flower.
I belive it will be omen comming weekend at least on Sunday.

nice to see what a Kevin Porter from Schwerter Orchideenzucht would look like :) seems very nice so far...