Why don't you show me your leaves?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Is there another hookerae or is it curtisii?
The one with just part of one leaf showing on the top and slight to the left and partially covered by three different leaves?
It has very bright background with very sharp dark green makings.
That is my favorite, although majority of them are gorgeous! :)

What's that small yellow plant near the middle right?
Is it natural or dying??

It is another hookerae;
The yellow thing might be dieing, but might still catch-up. Think it is a tiny tonsum-runt.
How old are your oldest ones?
How cold is your windowsill in the winter?
Do they all bloom like they should? I mean the leaves are more of the focus on these orchids, but I'm just trying to see their long term health.

Age wise, I can only track 3. All of which i received from members of this forum. These three are also the largest in my collection. The shutennou I have from Robert Bedard is at least 20yrs old. He sourced the plant from NWO when Dr. Lehr was still the owner. I also have a kishuryokufu and fukujumaru from Tom-DE which is at least 8 years old. Both of Tom's plants were sourced from Seed Engei from the WOC in Miami in 2008. Facts about where plants originated from are always interesting! Robert / Tom please correct me if I'm mistaken.

I left my windows slightly cracked open over the winter to try to keep the plant cool/cold. I rotated them every now and then to make sure they all get to enjoy the breeze.

Unfortunately, I haven't weathered two full seasons with any of my neos since i got back into the hobby last year. I can't speak to the consistency of flowering yet . However, I will let you know year two or three :poke:
The polite thing to do would be introducing myself before jumping in on this thread, but well, countrygirl from Norway- doesnt have my manners all figured out. (I will be polite and introduce myself soon)

I only have these paphiopedilum.

My first, bought it last summer, not bloomed yet. Small and cute.

Seedlings- my first babyorchids, got a minipack with 4 seedlings in. Different plants, but one with Paph. Senne Calle. Well, lets see if I can keep them alive. Deflasked 16.02.
(Be aware that photos of this may not be correct if you google registered in 2012).

But I do like leaves, and roots. And experimenting with media to grow in.

Edit: trying to make pictures smaller. (Not sure if its working though)
Helene - welcome. Nice healthy plants your got there. At least you have a paph. I don't have one yet. And this is a paph forum. Go figure.
Helene - welcome. Nice healthy plants your got there. At least you have a paph. I don't have one yet. And this is a paph forum. Go figure.

"Like paph and want to get one" is reason good enough☺️

Oh my god- I used tapatalk when loading pics- I believed they were gonna show as small pics, and you can click to see bigger. On my computer its BIG- did I screw up the posting?
Lord- well, yeah- my second post and already straying off topic. Sorry.
The polite thing to do would be introducing myself before jumping in on this thread, but well, countrygirl from Norway- doesnt have my manners all figured out. (I will be polite and introduce myself soon

Hello from UK. You should make sure that your namesake Paph. is on your wish list; Paph. Helenae :)


Not the greatest image I'm afraid but so cute.
Gary - That one is a winner. I love the color!

It was just a matter of time before someone posted photos of blooms on a leaf thread :poke:
Thanks :) I've seen it before, garysan- and I agree- its beautiful, and I need one on my list just because its a nice name

(I'm buying more in september, when a vendor is coming to my country- species and some hybrids)
Helene, if you are in Norway, welcome, good to see some other Norwegian with a crush on paphs:D
Helene, if you are in Norway, welcome, good to see some other Norwegian with a crush on paphs:D

Thanks :)
Eller kanskje jeg skulle si takk for velkomsten:):) Rogaland, sånn forresten.

I am not active in the norwegian forum because it seem a bit non-active. Kind of.
Well, I only have the bellatulum and the seedlings- so lets see if I can keep them alive :p
Hvis du skulle lure på noe, eller trenge litt informasjon om saker og ting og hvor du får tak i planter etc. så bare PM meg. Jeg har veldig mye forskjellig innen rekkevidde. Visste du forresten at du har et orkidegartneri (eller egentlig et utsalg) på Karmøy?
Sorry guys, just some norwegian:eek:
Oh my god- that's like discovering a candystore
I did a search. Oh my, a nursery not that far away.

I am sooooo happy! My wallet might not be that happy though

I am speechless (well, almost)- this is awesome! Only three hours away- I am so ready for a roadtrip!

Maybe I can show some leaves later this spring/summer then

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