Why new buds turning brown

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2021
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Bought two new phrags two weeks ago Phrag of Kolea (pearcai x fisheri) and Phrag of Akela (eric young RF 4N x Rouge Buillon) Both were in bloom. The attached photos show one with a new bloom and the other where the blooms have all turned brown. They are both sitting in water, have not been repotted and I have had this happen before, so can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? As soon as I finish my light shelves these will go under lights from The Orchid Hobbyist.
I attached files from my computer. Do I need to make a folder here and attach from there? Brand new and thought I could send from computer.
Welcome Denise.

Click on the "Attach files" button to the lower left of the message entry box. A window will pop up. Select the photo to be attached, and click "open". You will see the image inserted, but you must select whether you want a thumbnail or full size image, then "post reply".

Both of those plants' names begin with "QF", not "of" as they are Quintal Farms hybrids.
Thank you. Labels were hard to read so thanks for letting me know. Here I will try again to send photosPrag 2 brown.jpgPrag 2 brown.jpg


  • Phrag in bloom.jpg
    Phrag in bloom.jpg
    135.7 KB
That medium looks broken down to me and I see what appears to be rot at the base of
the plant. I'd repot quickly into K-Lite, charcoal and perlite. I personally don't like
plastic pots and if I set the pots in water, I use clay saucers that let the medium drain
well and still retain some moisture.
The plant in the second photo has really healthy looking leaves ----- the form of them look good. The one in the first pic, where abax pointed out a possible rotting region ------ notice that the leaves are having a hard time, as in not getting nutrients, elements and/or water into them ------ so they're sort of curled up ------ with that yellowy green colour. That's if both orchids are grown in the same area.

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