When you think about it, humus is very fine (colloid sizes) and has a very hich Cation Exchange Capacity ( not like chunks of bark ) so it will be capable of capturing and holding good ammounts of ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium etc. and holding all the anions as well.
Yes the humus is very fine and holds a lot of nutrients. But how do orchid roots capture these nutrients? orchids do not have fine net like root systems that spread through the humus that would allow access to the nutrients in the fine humus. Instead the have thick straight growing roots that don't have any special design to contact the humus.
Its pretty obvious to me that to grow orchids well ( like the wild ones in prime positions ) you need to feed them well!
Yes we need to feed them well. But feeding well may not mean feeding with strong solutions.
I believe that we cant just go by analysis of nutrient through fall etc to determine orchid nutrition.
No through fall is just a starting point. But it is a very good clue to use.
Based on what I see here with wild plants it looks like the through fall strength is strong enough. The through fall and analysis of the litter, mosses, lichen nutrient content tells us the correct balance ratio between nutrients.
Feeding that way in a modern mix is not enough IMHO.
You are 100% correct it is not enough. I think the weak solutions are strong enough but the roots need to be moist with it constantly. Wild orchids don't only receive nutrients when it rains they are feeding 24 hours per day. And in fact as I said before I'm thinking they are taking in most of the nutrients at night 9every night) with the dew.
Orchid roots are like sponges, they soak up and hold nutrient rich water.
In nature the water they soak up is not very high in PPMs of nutrients. Since the roots remain saturated with the nutrient solution the PPM content becomes important. Natural water may only contain 50ppm of nutrients so why is it a good idea to soak them with fertilizer solution at 500ppm?
So the secret to fertilizing orchids probably lies in how nutrients are applied more than how much is applied.