Wildflower Vid of the Kuju Higlands

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I soooo enjoyed our little walk and didn't realize so many of our garden plants are native to Japan. Do you ever fall
on your ass? When you're walking along with the camera in your eye, I'm always tense worrying that you'll fall "and put your eye out" as our mothers always told us we
would. ;>)
Happy birthday from NJ.

My P. japonica is pathetic. Probally compost material Monday.
Happy Brithday Tom!!!

Great video... lovely plants!!! (in some parts the video resembled an RPG game...cool!)
Glad you all enjoyed it. I'm working on the hike to the top of Mt. Kuju right now - should be up sometime tomorrow.

Do you ever fall
on your ass? When you're walking along with the camera in your eye, I'm always tense worrying that you'll fall "and put your eye out" as our mothers always told us we
would. ;>)

Jez, I've fallen on my ass more times than I care to remember or am able to count! I don't actually look through the camera when I'm filming the walking sequences. It automatically focuses, so I just point in the direction I want to shoot.

That's gorgeous!!!

You know, 50 is the new 20! Enjoy it!

Ah, I'll have to try to remember that...
Tom, I really liked all of your videos, the waterfall, the wild flowers and the cycad vids. Good info in all of them. Thanks
Hey Jean, believe it or not, I have yet to see all those azaleas in flower. The mountains are swarming with camera toting hikers in that season. The mountain tops literally are brilliant pink in June!

Leo, glad you are checking out the other vids as well. I hope to have a nest of them going as fast as I can produce them.

And the promised vid of climbing to the top of Mt. Kuju. Not flower oriented, but maybe of interest anyway.

Hike to the top of Mt. Kuju
I very much enjoyed that little hike up the mountain. Japan has such interesting topography. I'm now relaxed and reassured that you're not holding your camera close
to your face while falling over rocks. ;>)
Mt Kuju is a great sequence too :clap: !!!! As I watched it without sound, a question: what happened to these 'naked' slopes, in the middle of your last pic !?? Jean
Mt Kuju is a great sequence too :clap: !!!! As I watched it without sound, a question: what happened to these 'naked' slopes, in the middle of your last pic !?? Jean

Hey Jean, the noxious fumes from the continuous venting of the volcano kills anything within a certain distance. When the wind shifts and blows it toward you it smells like strong rotten eggs, but isn't concentrated enough to hurt you. That's due to the hydrogen sulfide in it - a nasty smelling, toxic gas. Every so often people stumble into caves that have high concentrations and die from the stuff.
Second vid is grat too!!!

Did you see any plants of gesneriaceae family??

Thanks Thanasis. In the gorges around Kuju there are wet walls of rock full of Conandron ramondioides, the "rock tabbaco" of Japan. They were in full flower during our visit but I couldn't get close enough to get any pics.