My first orchid — April 1957 — was a mail order Cypripedium pubescens, the Large Yellow Ladyslipper. The poor thing spent several tortured months in an apartment west window before passing away. The species is still my favorite. I’m currently kindly growing 3 species varieties: Cypripediums pubescens (4 clones), parviflorum var. parviflorum, and parviflorum var. makasin. Of the large yellow pubescens, my best clones are ‘Vigrous’ , a very typical large form, and ‘Chestnut’ with richer brown sepals and petals. Three of the pubescens clones were acquired 40 years ago from a now-defunct Michigan wildflower nursery. The fourth, a large but paler example was acquired from Wayside Gardens a year later. The Southern Small Yellow Ladyslipper, parviflorum var. parviflorum, came as a mislabelled plant from a North Carolina wildflower nursery. Its flowers are ⅓ the size of the pubescens. It grows and multiplies well in hot, humid Baltimore. The parviflorum var. makasin came as seedlings from Spangle Creek Labs of Bovey, Minnesota. It struggles in the Baltimore heat. I have one surviving specimen, but it is multiplying and increasing in size. Most were growing in the dappled shade of large tulip poplars. The trees had to be removed last fall, so they are in very bright light now. Companion plants include Twin Leaf, Bloodroot, Trilliums, and Solomon’s Seal.