yet another micranthum var. eburneum

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Never had big problems with these, but: Compost contains bark, sand and plenty of limestone and or dolomite plus some moss (not sphag). Temperature : winter 6-7 C at night and 20+ at day. Summer some 17-18 at night 28 at day. Spring and fall night some 12-14 day 25C. Humidity is high, mostly >80%.
Try to mimic North Vietnam/S. China conditions.
Really nice. What about your others? If I remembering right you had one clone with totally never before seen color scheme, right?
Really nice. What about your others? If I remembering right you had one clone with totally never before seen color scheme, right?

Good memory Rick:D Well last year was a good year for that mixed collection, this year its only one spike coming. What concerns the "special" one, it was selfed, which eventually almost killed the poor thing.:eek: But it is still alive and the prospects are not too bad. Regarding the seeds; well it produced abundant amounts of seemingly viable seeds that were sent to propagation. It is still a bit early so time will tell how it develops:p With my growing conditions, it seems as the plants need two years to mature growths, so flowering becomes kind of bi-annual thing
Amazing! Such subtle red markings it's almost an albinistic one!

The markings are actually on the back-side, on the front-side there is only some pink dots. Actually quite similar to the one Rick mention from last year. The provenance o the plants must be different and their growth habit is different though. The one from last year had been in my posession since 1994 and I believe it was one of the imports coming in before the uplisting to Cites-I. Could it be coming from S. China?
Good memory Rick:D Well last year was a good year for that mixed collection, this year its only one spike coming. What concerns the "special" one, it was selfed, which eventually almost killed the poor thing.:eek: But it is still alive and the prospects are not too bad. Regarding the seeds; well it produced abundant amounts of seemingly viable seeds that were sent to propagation. It is still a bit early so time will tell how it develops:p With my growing conditions, it seems as the plants need two years to mature growths, so flowering becomes kind of bi-annual thing

I'll take two of the flasks right off the top!!!!!!! PS. I hope your memory is as good too!:D

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