Candace, why don't you contact Dean Hung or John Chant and ask to join in next time they go there?
probably like that with chocolate too lol
Well, two reasons actually. One, I don't have the greenhouse space to buy much more and "if I go I will spend". 'Tis my motto. I have a habit of picking out the most expensive plant in any given nursery. I'm like that with jewelry, too. Weird.
Thank you David and Troy! I had a couple of crisis in my life! Lost many plants in the process. Trying to get back on my feet.Great to see you back Peter. I always loved seeing your Paphs, especially the multi-florals. I look forward to seeing you post some of your plants.
Unfortunately, Ken (Paphioland) has the left the forum. A great loss. He supposedly has a facebook page. Does anyone know it?