Well-Known Member
Wonder why recommendations have been to use excessive amounts of nutrients?
Most fertility trials have been done or funded by chemical companies so what can we expect?.
More is better? :rollhappy:
I brought this up initially and one should note that 99% of fertilizer trials and plant research in general is conducted on domesticated plants being grown for food. And even the bulk of that is corn, wheat, and rice. The first strong clue I found on K antagonism was actually a paper on rice physiology.
Yes dollars are a motive, but primarily at the crop (food production) end.
If you Google for info on plant nutrition and fertilizer use you get virtually nothing on orchids. The few bits and pieces you get are done for mass hybrid culture for the bloom and toss market. Virtually all the focus goes into food crops. Ex situ orchid nutrition has mostly been piggy backing on the cut flower market, which has been piggy backing on the food crop science. Granted it hasn't been a total bust by the time it filtered down to orchid culture, but it looks like the "orchids are corn" assumption has its shortcomings.
To get down to the insitu orchid data took some pretty serious digging since these are almost purely academic science articles. Getting $ for serious jungle research is a battle.