Not neccessarily.
0 does not neccesarily mean 0 but less than 1.0. So could be a small amount of P.
It also falls right in line with just about everything we've been talking about for K lite. That it really takes VERY little fert to get great results.
I don't know what the dose rate is (Xamt per gal) or target Nppm is, but if the material is only 1% N then you are mostly buying water, and to get the comparable amount of N to MSU you would have to dose 12-13 times higher. But if you dosed at the same 1/2 to1tsp/gal dose we use for K lite, then you would be applying very little fert. Especially if you only did it once every 3 weeks, and flushed with non fert water several times in between.
There's no doubt that things grow/bloom well at OL, so maybe just more proof it doesn't take a lot of NPK.
The NPK values for Green Jungle are comparable to many other "organic" ferts on the market including kelp extracts, bat guanno.....